Natural ingredients that your hair will love

Natural ingredients to moisturise hair - Umberto Giannini


There’s nothing like some luxurious, great quality natural ingredients to moisturise hair. Especially when those ingredients smell so delicious, you’d eat them given half the chance. Whether you’re seeking out natural ingredients for dry hair, or even ingredients for hair growth to leave your tresses looking amazing, we’ve got all the goods. Here are some of the natural ingredients you’ll love – and your hair will love you for.



Coconut - natural ingredients to moisturise hair

Besides smelling incredible, coconut can do some truly amazing things for your hair – as well as your skin. It's one of the best natural ingredients to moisturise hair that’s been coloured or damaged. Coconut is top of our list for conditioning treatments and restorative care. Combine with gorgeous floral roses and geranium, and your hair will be looking as pretty as a picture. Our Coco + Rose hair mask soaks your hair in those feel-good natural ingredients to banish frizz and bring out the natural beauty of your locks.

Coconut Oil isn’t just a popular product for hair of all types. It’s also regularly used as the best way to remove makeup and cleanse without drying out your skin. With excellent moisturising properties and plenty of benefits, there’s a reason that it’s at the top of our list. A little bit of coconut in your day can go a long way to producing those beautifully defined curls and frizz-free styles you’ve always wanted.


Lemon: Natural Ingredients For Dry Hair - Umberto Giannini

For bleach blondes, restoring incredible shine while picking natural ingredients for dry hair may seem impossible. But lemon oil is the ideal, natural way to transform dull locks into something dazzling, especially when combined with super ingredients like Sunflower Seed and Bergamot.

The Flowerology Bergamot + Lemon Oil Vegan Super Serum protects coloured hair while producing a delectable botanical smell that’s sure to turn heads. Perfume and treatment all in one, how’s that for efficiency? While many associate lemon oil with 90s home-brewed highlighting products, this useful ingredient can do far more than lighten the hair. With the right combination of ingredients, it can be cleansing, clarifying and brightening – whether used on your skin or hair. Thanks to the slight acidity in lemon, it can also be a great way to strip product and chemicals from the hair far more gently than bleach or other methods. The more you know...



Coffee: Natural Ingredients For Hair Growth - Umberto Giannini

It’s not just good for your morning jolt. Coffee, and caffeine in general, is one of the most fantastic ingredients for hair growth. Boosting your circulation, and smelling amazing in the process, coffee is a staple of our Grow Long collection for a reason. Your hair will soon feel stronger, longer and less breakage-prone, whether you’re growing out a pixie or trying to reach Rapunzel record lengths.

The Grow Long Serum, in particular, is full of natural Black Coffee Seed Extract, improving circulation, as well as Seaweed and similar ingredients to make your fast-growing hair as strong and healthy as possible.

Alongside its incredible scent, coffee has a whole host of uses for skin and hair care. Caffeine has often been used in products to reduce hair loss, thanks to its exceptional results in strengthening and lengthening hair. As ingredients for hair growth, it can also be used on beards – and the grounds themselves make excellent options for a home-made coffee scrub to perk up the skin.


Castor oil

Castor Oil - Natural Ingredients To Moisturise Hair - Umberto Giannini

Castor oil is no longer relegated to your nan’s medicine cabinet. This wonder oil is far more than a bitter pill – it’s the perfect natural ingredients to moisturise hair, leaving it big, bouncy and beautiful. Shine and volume are included within the Blow Dry In A Bottle, but castor oil is the real star of the show, providing that extra level of moisture to leave your hair with a mirror shine from morning to night. Less intense than Argan Oil and perfectly suited for blow-drying, there’s a reason castor oil is our little secret for model-perfect hair.

Castor Oil has long been used as a beauty treatment, thanks to the richness and thickness of its makeup. As one of the best natural ingredients to moisturise hair in the long-term, it’s no surprise that castor oil is one of our favourite options to create that smooth, sleek look you’ve been dreaming of. The fatty acid in Castor Oil even has anti-inflammatory effects, making it suitable for use on would and arthritis. Now that’s multi-tasking.



Banana: Natural Ingredients For Dry Hair - Umberto Giannini

Deliciously scented, incredibly edible and generally underused, banana is a star of the haircare world. It’s the ideal solution for those with super curly locks in need of moisture without all the weight of traditional treatments. Natural ingredients to moisturise hair don’t have to be a chore – they can be positively delightful with these scents on tap. Banana provides de-frizzing and repairing properties thanks to its luxurious features, and when combined with Shea Butter and Coconut Oil in our Banana Butter Leave-In Conditioner, frizz doesn’t stand a chance.

Because of the high amount of Vitamin E in bananas, they are incredibly moisturising. But alongside their more conventional properties as natural ingredients for dry hair, these yellow wonders also have plenty going for them for the treatment of acne, dandruff and even hair growth. Now that’s the kind of food we’d love to have on our head and on our plate. 

About Umberto Giannini

About Umberto Giannini

Our range of products are designed to make the most of nature – and we do so by utilising the best natural ingredients on offer to provide people like you with incredible, frizz-free and fasting-growing hair. From luxurious botanicals to ingenious oils, we investigate all-natural ingredients to find something that suits each of our products, while keeping our promise for cruelty-free and vegan hair care that you’ll love. View our full range of products, stuffed full of those good natural ingredients for dry hair, moisturising and hair growth, and we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. From natural curls to reducing frizz, we’ve got a bit of something for everyone.

Shop the Umberto Giannini range here.

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